Electrolytes and Interphasial Chemistry in Li Ion Devices

Kang Xu
2010 Energies  
Since its appearance in 1991, the Li ion battery has been the major power source driving the rapid digitalization of our daily life; however, much of the processes and mechanisms underpinning this newest battery chemistry remains poorly understood. As in any electrochemical device, the major challenge comes from the electrolyte/electrode interfaces, where the discontinuity in charge distribution and extreme disequality in electric forces induce diversified processes that eventually determine
more » ... kinetics of Li + intercalation chemistry. This article will summarize the most recent efforts on the fundamental understanding of the interphases in Li ion devices. Emphasis will be placed on the formation chemistry of the so-called "SEI" on graphitic anode, the effect of solvation sheath structure of Li + on the intercalation energy barrier, and the feasibility of tailoring a desired interphase. Biologically inspired approaches to an ideal interphase will also be briefly discussed.
doi:10.3390/en3010135 fatcat:nubkhfrn55bgtjca42gwyrcwce