A Bibliometric Analysis of Organizational Climate of Schools

Hui-Wen Vivian Tang, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan, Mu-Shang Yin
2019 International Journal of Social Science and Humanity  
To examine bibliometric characteristics of research studies on school climate, the present study is a systematic quantitative estimate of school climate research available through Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Science database, aiming at updating our understanding regarding the ongoing research trends and publication patterns of literature for the years 2010 through 2016. Analyzed parameters included: (1) Total numbers and characteristics of publications, (2) Publication patterns by languages and
more » ... ountries/territories, (3) Publication patterns by source titles and subject areas. Results of the current analysis may open up new avenues for continuous bibliometric investigations of school climate literature for generating unique insights into the direction of not only a particular data source during a given time frame, but also the research dynamics and evolution within which the literature on school climate exists.
doi:10.18178/ijssh.2018.v8.942 fatcat:nsetfsaiqjgcfj4zlvbckbt2pa