Does Tax Evasion Affect Firms' Control? Some Evidence from an Experimental Approach

Lory Barile
2012 Social Science Research Network  
The aim of this work is to analyze tax evasion as a factor that potentially affects internal control of firms as an application of the Chen and Chu's model (2005). For this purpose an experimental approach was employed. Treatments varied depending on whether agents were assumed to be riskneutral or risk-averse. According to the gift-exchange game (Fehr et al., 1993) , results show a positive relationship between wages offered by principal and efforts provided by agents. In general, higher wages
more » ... lead to more costly effort provision. However, when evasion and risk aversion are introduced in the analysis individuals show opportunistic behaviors and they seem to be less willing to cooperate for the wealth of the firm.
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2019717 fatcat:k36gu4v6gbfo3iawozpxsjix3e