Différentes approches traductologiques face au problème de l'amplification en traduction [chapter]

Magdalena Szeflińska-Baran
2018 Le poids des mots. Hommage à Alicja Kacprzak  
The phenomenon of the text amplifi cation in the process of translation has been present both in translatology and in translation practice for a long time. It is often considered as one of the translation universals, that is the processes which accompany the translation of the text regardless of their typological characteristics (literary, journalistic or specialised texts) or translation's languages. In general, we can defi ne the amplifi cation as an expansion of the target text in its formal
more » ... and signifi cation layer comparing to the source text. The present study aims to show the possible methodological approaches to this phenomenon from the translatological point of view and to analyse sources and forms of the amplifi cation in the literary translation.
doi:10.18778/8142-075-4.27 fatcat:42mlisdso5cfvidnlc2crmggp4