Tectonic Plates: Leading and Advancing Technology Enhanced Learning [chapter]

Dominique Parrish, Joanne Joyce-McCoach
2017 Global Voices in Higher Education  
A blended approach to teaching in higher education, which integrates online with faceto-face teaching, has been found to result in higher student satisfaction, increased student motivation and positive student performance and outcomes. Blended learning promotes flexibility, self-pacing and access as well as providing manageable solutions to issues associated with large classes. However, the adoption of blended learning in higher education frequently relies on repackaging traditional teaching
more » ... roaches in a new medium rather than harnessing the potential of incorporating online or eLearning pedagogies. Effective online learning requires academics to rethink how they might transform old practices utilising the affordances of new and emerging technologies. This transition involves considerable realignment of pedagogical approaches and a shift in the existing culture. Further, it necessitates appropriate professional development and support. This chapter describes an initiative that sought to support and guide the advancement of eLearning through the conceptualisation of an eTeaching Framework. The resulting Framework could be used at an individual, unit, and institution level to inform staff professional development, probation, promotion and recruitment, funding and support decisions, and evaluation and progression of online learning.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.68667 fatcat:vpfawedhh5dwrff6veeoicru74