Gender differences in D-aspartic acid content in skull bone

Aiko Torikoshi-Hatano, Akira Namera, Hiroaki Shiraishi, Yousuke Arima, Hirokazu Toubou, Jiro Ezaki, Masami Morikawa, Masataka Nagao
2012 Hiroshima journal of medical sciences  
In forensic medicine, the personal identification of cadavers is one of the most important tasks. One method of estimating age at death relies on the high correlation between racemization rates in teeth and actual age, and this method has been applied successfully in forensic odontology for several years. In this study, we attempt to facilitate the analysis of racemized amino acids and examine the determination of age at death on the basis of the extent of aspartic acid (Asp) racemization in
more » ... ll bones. The specimens were obtained from 61 human skull bones (19 females and 42 males) that underwent judicial autopsy from October 2010 to May 2012. The amount of D-Asp and L-Asp, total protein, osteocalcin, and collagen I in the skull bones was measured. Logistic regression analysis was performed for age, sex, and each measured protein. The amount of D-Asp in the female skull bones was significantly different from that in the male skull bones (p = 0.021), whereas the amount of L-Asp was similar. Thus, our study indicates that the amount of D-Asp in skull bones is different between the sexes.
pmid:23342826 fatcat:j3onhe64lbgzrou7437h7ocnsq