Testing Theoretical Evolutionary Models with AB Doradus C and the Initial Mass Function
K. L. Luhman, D. Potter
Astrophysical Journal
We assess the constraints on the evolutionary models of young low-mass objects that are provided by the measurements of the companion AB Dor C by Close and coworkers and by a new comparison of model-derived IMFs of star-forming regions to the well-calibrated IMF of the solar neighborhood. After performing an independent analysis of Close's imaging and spectroscopic data for AB Dor C, we find that AB Dor C is not detected at a significant level (SN 1.2) in the SDI images when one narrow-band
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... e is subtracted from another, but that it does appear in the individual SDI frames as well as the images at JHK. Using the age of 75-150 Myr for AB Dor from Luhman, Stauffer, & Mamajek, the luminosity predicted by the models of Chabrier & Baraffe is consistent with the value that we estimate. We measure a spectral type of M6+/-1 from the K-band spectrum of AB Dor C, which is earlier than the value of M8+/-1 from Close and is consistent with the model predictions when a dwarf temperature scale is adopted. In a test of these models at much younger ages, we show that the low-mass IMFs that they produce for star-forming regions are similar to the IMF of the solar neighborhood. If the masses of the low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in these IMFs of star-forming regions were underestimated by a factor of two as suggested by Close, then the IMF characterizing the current generation of Galactic star formation would have to be radically different from the IMF of the solar neighborhood.