Fast image decomposition in dip angle domain and its application for illumination compensation

Jian Mao, Ru‐Shan Wu
2011 SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2011   unpublished
In this paper, we develop an efficient method to extract common dip angle image gathers (CDAIG) from a seismic migration image. CDAIG is useful for correcting the acquisition system effects in prestack depth migration. To decompose the space domain image, we use the local exponential frame (LEF) decomposition. As the LEF transform have fast algorithms, this method provides an efficient tool for image decomposition, especially for the 3D image decomposition. We first decompose a space domain
more » ... ation image into the wavenumber domain, then transfer to dip angle domain. With the dip angle domain image gathers, we apply the illumination compensation in dip angle domain. This can greatly improve the image quality with very efficient implementation. We use 2D SEG/EAGE salt model and 3D SEG model to demonstrate the validity of our method.
doi:10.1190/1.3627860 fatcat:nvrctgrqfjezpk32qy2vdy57by