ウエハ表面へのエアロゾル粒子の付着 : 理論的検討
Aerosol Deposition on Wafer Surface : Theoretical Analysis

Soichiro SAKATA, Masanori INOUE, Satoru CHIRIFU, Takanori YOSHIDA, Takao Okada
1989 Transactions of the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan  
Synopsis : We present the results of theoretical research on the aerosol deposition on wafers in clean rcoms. Electrostatic force is a more predominant factcnr than Brownian diffusion in the deposition rate for charged particles of smaller than submicron size. We obtained the following equation which gives the deposition velocity, tie, independent of air flow conditions around the wafers : CcqV V-e==Const. × 6npsD,R where Const. is 2.55 for conductive surface or 2.36 for dielectric surface, Ce
more » ... s the Cunningham correction, q is charge quantity on particles, V is wafer surface voltage, pt is air viscosity, Dpt is particle diameter, and R is wafer radius.
doi:10.18948/shase.14.40_47 fatcat:bx46zio6hfebldhck2c7de4w5m