Fractional Integration of the Product of two Multivariable Gimel-Functions and a General Class of Polynomials

Frederic Ayant
2018 Global Journal of Science Frontier Research  
A significantly large number of earlier works on the subject of fractional calculus give the interesting account of the theory and applications of fractional calculus operators in many different areas of mathematical analysis (such as ordinary and partial differential equations, integral equations, special functions, the summation of series, etc.). The object of the present paper is to study and develop the Saigo-Maeda operators. First, we establish four results that give the images of the
more » ... ct of two multivariable Gimel-functions and a general class of multivariable polynomials in Saigo- Maeda operators. On account of the general nature of the Saigo-Maeda operators, multivariable Gimel-functions and a class multivariable polynomials a large number of new and known theorems involving Riemann-Liouville and Erdelyi- Kober fractional integral operators and several special functions.
doi:10.34257/gjsfrfvol18is7pg33 fatcat:bjtncfg73jgebkq42rz6t4vdr4