Synthesis of Bi4Ti3O12-PbTiO3 Micro-Composite Particles

Tsuguto TAKEUCHI, Toshihiko TANI
1998 Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan  
Bi4Ti3O12-PbTiO3 micro-composite particles, Bi4Ti3O12 core particles covered with PbTiO3 particles with an epitaxial relationship, were synthesized. Bi4Ti3O12 particles with a plate-like morphology were prepared by a molten salt technique and used as core particles. The Bi4Ti3O12 particles were coated with titania by the hydrolysis of Ti-alkoxide. The thickness of the titania coating layers was easily controlled between 0.1 and 0.5m by the concentration of Ti-alkoxide. The composite particles
more » ... re prepared by the hydrothermal treat ment of the titania-coated Bi4Ti3O12 in alkali solutions containing Pb. The formation of PbTiO3 depended both on temperature and on the concentration of Pb in the solution. The PbTiO3 particles with the sizes of 0.1-1m were formed on the surfaces of the Bi4Ti3O12 core particles at temperatures160 in the solutions with the excess Pb of 4-6mmol. The combined results of SEM and TEM observations revealed that there was an epitaxial relationship between Bi4Ti3O12 and PbTiO3 of a composite particle, such that {100} or {001 PbTiO3 pseudotetragonal {001} Bi4Ti312 [
doi:10.2109/jcersj.106.947 fatcat:kpfstaovi5dune5pezd7tezlr4