Comparison of therapeutic effects of acarbose and metformin under different β-cell function status in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes

Jing Fu, Jia Liu, Yuan Xu, Ning Yang, Wenying Yang, Guang Wang
2019 Endocrine journal  
MARCH study suggested that acarbose had similar therapeutic effect on glycated hemoglobin reduction compared to metformin in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients as initial therapy in China. We aimed to investigate whether the efficacy of acarbose was still similar to metformin under different β-cell function status. According to the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA)-β level, 670 patients were divided into better β-cell function group, medium β-cell function group and poor β-cell function
more » ... group. Patients received acarbose 300 mg/d or metformin 1,500 mg/d for 48 weeks. We found both acarbose and metformin could decrease glycated hemoglobin to similar levels after 48 weeks treatment in all groups. In medium β-cell function group, the decrease of fasting blood glucose after metformin treatment was more significant compared to acarbose (p = 0.040); however, the decrease of post-challenge blood glucose after acarbose treatment was more significant compared to metformin (p = 0.020). Moreover, in poor β-cell function group, the decrease of body weight and body mass index after acarbose treatment were significant compared to metformin (p = 0.004 and p = 0.031, respectively). Therefore, acarbose contributed a similar therapeutic effect to plasma glucose control compared to metformin treatment, even under different β-cell function status.
doi:10.1507/endocrj.ej18-0466 pmid:30944269 fatcat:gfwwt3zpnnbapekrjbbg5qqaaa