Mathematical model of auxin distribution in the plant root

V A Likhoshvaĭ, N A Omel'ianchuk, V V Mironova, S I Fadeev, E D Melsness, N A Kolchanov
Regulation of plant growth and development by auxin is mediated by the hormone controlled distribution and dose-dependent mechanisms of its action. A mathematical model is proposed, which described the distribution of auxin in the cells extending along the central axis of the Arabidopsis thaliana root. This model reproduces qualitatively both auxin distribution in cells of the root central axis under the normal conditions and under the conditions of decreased active transport and the recovery
more » ... auxin distribution and related meristem restoration during root regeneration after ablation of its tip. Different types of distribution of the auxin concentration over the vertical root axis are described, possible variants of root growth and lateral roots formation are proposed, and biological interpretation is given to different regimes of model behavior.
pmid:18179024 fatcat:2mitzkpdzrbvjgrbjlqe4x4rqu