A Case of Aplastic Anemi A Diagnosed During Pregnancy

Harun Yenice, Didem Dereli, Sinan Erten, Nurten Kuntman, Ziya Günal
1998 The Journal of Tepecik Education and Research Hospital  
Harun YENİCE Didem DERELI SinanERTEN Nurten KUNTMAN ZiyaGÜNAL Aplastic anemia is defined as pa:rı.cytopenia resulting from aplasiaı of the bone marrow. Aplastic anemiais rare disease with the overall ineidence of 2-6 cases per million pe:rsoıı.s per year. Pregnancy is one of the ra:re etiologic reasons. In this artide it was interviewed a case of aplastk anemia whidı. is bedng foHowed up by the 3rd internal medidne dinks ofTeped.k SSK hm;;pitat The case was 25 years old and was 12 weeks
more » ... t. §he had malasie palpHation and gingival bleeding. After allthe tests that were done, she had the diagnosis of aplastk anemiao As we couldn't succeed to find any etiologic fado:r; we thought the :reason.for the disease was pregmmcy. Afteı· she had cuırettage, she had pa:rtial remission and this also, could be a proofof the diagnosis. The case had no complications :related to her disease and her foHow up is stili continuing. (
doi:10.5222/terh.1998.84734 fatcat:5bactt3q4bfj3gky4rszlanac4