Effect of housing management on production performance of crossbred cows during hot-humid season

Ranjana Sinha, Madan Lal Kamboj, Surendra Singh Lathwal, Ashish Ranjan
2017 Indian Journal of Animal Research  
Present investigation was carried out to study the effect of modified housing system on production performance of crossbred (Karan-Fries) cows during hot humid seasons. For this study 16 lactating crossbred cows in their early lactation were selected based on parity, milk yield and body weights and randomly divided into two groups (G-I and G-II) with eight animals in each group. G-I group was housed under existing loose housing system and G-II under modified housing system. Analysis revealed
more » ... t, the maximum temperature and THI were significantly (P less than 0.05) lower in modified shed as compared to existing shed. Percent cow comfort index was significantly (P less than 0.01) higher in G-II (94.25%) group as compared to G-I (72.75%). There was significant (P less than 0.05) differences of dry matter intake and average daily milk yield of cows and higher mean values were recorded in modified shed as compared to existing shed. Highly significant (P less than 0.01) increase in lying time of cows was recorded in modified shed (53.43%) as compared to existing shed (46.51%). It was concluded that the cows housed inside modified shed during hot-humid season were more comfortable and exhibited improved overall production performance as compared to the animals under existing shed.
doi:10.18805/ijar.v0iof.7817 fatcat:apmvmi2hsrcdtc2jt7h4gwaxiq