Public-private partnership: the process of formation and development

B.O. Ahataeva, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, R.A. Nurtazina, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
2020 BULLETIN Series of Sociological and Political sciences  
The article discusses the theoretical aspects of public-private partnership: goals, objectives, regulation through the improvement of public policy mechanisms. A discourse is being made on the formation of public-private partnerships and the effectiveness of the mechanism of relations between the state and the private sector on the example of foreign countries and Kazakhstan.
doi:10.51889/2020-2.1728-8940.02 fatcat:fwku5zhxkrcm3ixfgmdgqxj3xi