Dual Language Information Seeking in Digital Libraries

Hany M. Alsalmi
2019 Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries  
Digital libraries, especially academic digital libraries, are more important than ever. With the increase in the utilization of technology in educational institutions and online courses and degrees, academic digital libraries have become a necessity. In 2010, Saudi Arabia invested in the development of a digital library, called the Saudi Digital Library (SDL), to serve the needs of all university staff and students, offering resources in both Arabic and English. The purpose of this study is to
more » ... nvestigate how successfully Saudi Digital Library users are able to find Arabic resources using the SDL database and whether or not they face challenges in their search. The research will utilize a qualitative method, Stimulated Recall Interviews, to evaluate whether or not the SDL meets its users' needs. This study aims to address these challenges and find ways to overcome them. Information should be accessible to Arabic-speaking information-seekers and indeed to many other informationseekers in different languages and cultures around the world.
dblp:journals/tcdl/Alsalmi19 fatcat:m6fn3dedrrg6fcffqvlfpo7o2m