Minimum Distance Warning and Braking System for Vehicles

Battula Pranay Kumar
2021 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
A vehicle distance measuring safety warning and braking system is disclosed having one or more distance measurement sensors measuring the distance from the driver's vehicle to a second vehicle immediately in front, the minimum distance between the vehicle and any object depends on the speed of the vehicle and here the speed of the vehicle is measured by calculating RPM(revolutions per minute) of wheels, based on the calculated minimum distance the speed of the vehicle is regulated by auto-lever
more » ... mechanism. A vehicle distance alarm alerts the driver when the distance between the driver's vehicle and the second vehicle is less than a configured minimum distance, indicating an unsafe driving condition. An event record display device displays the time/date or the last twenty occurrences of the distance warning alarm. When an alarm is generated, a throttle set-back actuator operates to gently and automatically slow the car and increase vehicle to vehicle distance. Vehicle brakes may be automatically applied by the system to further slow the vehicle. The vehicle distance measuring safety warning system provides an additional margin of safety for a driver who may be distracted while driving.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2021.35506 fatcat:pfttqywqrnhvtkaqeqx5pf4imm