Resonance and Threshold Effects in Photoemission up to 3500 eV

D. A. Shirley, P. H. Kobrin, D. W. Lindle, C. M. Truesdale, S. H. Southworth, U. Becker, H. G. Kerkhoff, Hugh C. Wolfe, Bernd Crasemann
1982 AIP Conference Proceedings  
Beam Lines at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL) now provide photon beams throughout the entire energy range 5-5000 eV, with a pulse structure very well-suited to timeof-flight (TOF) photoelectron spectroscopy. We have used this facility, together with a TOF spectrometer, to measure photoemission cross sections 0(£) and asymmetry parameters s( .. ) for several interesting systems. A summary of early results is given. Metal vapors (Ba, Cd, Mn, Hg) were studied using a
more » ... ature oven. Resonant photoemission was observed in several cases. Both 0(£) and s(£) showed resonant behavior at 21.1 eV for several lines in Cd. The 4d, 5s, and 5p 0(£) line profiles differed dramatically, illustrating the detailed information about continuum states that is available from photoemission. Correlation satellites in photoemission from rare gases have been observed over a very wide energy range, including those seen in the K-shells of He, Ne and Ar and in the L-shell of Ne. The structure and preliminary intensity variations of these satellites will be discussed. Molecular shape resonances in C(ls), N(ls), and O(ls) photoemission were observed for the first time, in the molecules CO, C02, OCS, CF4, N2 and NO. Both the~and 0 resonances were observed in KVV Auger emission, and the 0 resonances were studied by photoemi ssi on. The asymmetry parameters were measured in all cases. The results are in fair agreement with theory, but show systematic deviations and trends.
doi:10.1063/1.2948761 fatcat:v7nhyfwkovaj7c5rbpmj47457m