Numerical Simulation of Pressure Wave in Railway Tunnel Caused by Two Trains Crossing

2017 DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research  
When high-speed trains pass through tunnels, especially in two trains crossing condition, it causes severe pressure fluctuations. The pressure fluctuations entered into the coaches may make passengers to suffer from aural discomfort. In addition, the internal and external pressure wave will also bring fatigue damage to vehicle body and parts. Although we can avoid the tunnel crossing case through traffic planning and operation, but in the line with large number of long tunnels or in the busy
more » ... n line, the tunnel crossing case is an inevitable problem. Therefore, it is useful to accurately predict the pressure wave in railway tunnel caused by two crossing trains. Based on the one-dimensional compressible unsteady non-homentropic flow model, a mathematic model describing the pressure wave caused by two trains crossing is established, and a high-precision fast numerical method is established through the method of characteristics of generalized Riemann variables. After verification by the results from moving model rig, a new domestic high-speed EMU is taken as an example to study the effect of tunnel length, train speed and length on the maximum positive and negative pressure change. The results can be used as basic aerodynamic load for fatigue design of the body and components of high-speed train.
doi:10.12783/dtetr/icia2017/15624 fatcat:ksxjnc35xrguve6kj3l3rr24ne