A Multi-GNSS Differential Phase Kinematic Post-Processing Method

Ruijie Xi, Qusen Chen, Xiaolin Meng, Weiping Jiang, Xiangdong An, Qiyi He
2020 Remote Sensing  
We propose a multiple global navigation satellite system (multi-GNSS) differential phase kinematic post-processing method, expand the current Track ability, and finely tune processing parameters to achieve the best results for research purposes. The double-difference (DD) phase formulas of GLONASS are especially formulated, and the method of arc ambiguity resolution (AR) in post-processing is developed. To verify the feasibility of this AR method, a group of static baselines with ranges from 8
more » ... to 100 km and two kinematic tests were used. The results imply that 100% of ambiguities in short baselines and over 90% in long baselines can be fixed with the proposed ambiguity resolution method. Better than a 10-mm positioning precision was achieved for all the horizonal components of those selected baselines and the vertical components of the short baselines, and the vertical precision for long baselines is around 20 to 40 mm. In the posterior residual analysis, the means of the residual root-mean-squares (RMSs) of different systems are better than 10 mm for short baselines and at the range of 10–20 mm for baselines longer than 80 km. Mostly, the residuals satisfy the standard normal distribution. It proves that the new method could be applied in bridge displacement and vibration monitoring and for UAV photogrammetry.
doi:10.3390/rs12172727 fatcat:ojypbtalwnh5zkefywadkc4pia