Being Mobile [book]

William Webb
2009 unpublished
Johnny is a Radio Strategy Consultant for BT Group Strategy, having worked on radio systems within BT for nearly 30 years. Topics include radiowave propagation, fixed trunk radio, local loop radio systems, mobile radio, WLANs, and radio spectrum management. He has actively participated in many different technical groups and project teams within ETSI, CEPT, ITU-R (including WRCs), IEEE and the WWRF. Currently he is the Work Item Rapporteur leading the work in ETSI BRAN on developing the European
more » ... Harmonised Standard for TVWS radio. He holds a B.Eng in Electronic Engineering from Liverpool University, and an M.Sc in Telecommunications from Essex University. Linda Doyle. Prof. Linda Doyle is director of CTVR / The Telecommunications Research Centre and a faculty member in the School of Engineering in Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland. CTVR is the national telecommunications research in Ireland, and involving six other academic institutions and over 120 researchers. The centre focuses on research in the area of optical and wireless networks and works closely with industry. Linda's areas of expertise are in the domains of cognitive radio, reconfigurable networks, spectrum management and art & technology.
doi:10.1017/cbo9780511731976 fatcat:jhouuqj4k5crfhuq5p3s6d56wu