Characterization of variability of the gene Nad1 intron in representatives of genus Vicia L. (Fabaceae Lindl.)

Natalia N Ryzhova, Elena A Dyachenko, Margarita A Vishnyakova, Elena Z Kochieva
2011 Экологическая генетика  
For the first time the sequences of b/c intron of mitochondrial gene Nad1 have been determined in representatives of 13 Vicia species. It is shown that the sequences of the intron of the gene in these species is highly conservative. In total 23 variable sites and 11 indels have been determined with the intron length 1421–1447 b. p. On the basis of the results of pre-m-RNA intron folding the main elements of its secondary structure have been determined as well as the sites of interdomain
more » ... ions. The peculiarities of primary and secondary structure of intron Nad1 in Vicia have been characterized.
doi:10.17816/ecogen9245-53 fatcat:tcxystwdvvhrjfg7ykwocm3o5q