The Investigation and Analysis on Women PE Teachers' Health in Colleges and Universities

JianWen Yao
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Social Science   unpublished
purpose to understand the Women PE teachers' health condition, to offer the theory evidence for improving the Women PE teachers' health condition, Promote the PE education work of college. Methods: questionnaire method, mathematics statistics, Documentary analysis. Results: We find that the Women PE teachers' health condition overall is not optimistic, which is shown in the symptoms of sub-health, body adverse reaction, occupational disease, sports injury, etc. Conclusion: Intensifying
more » ... and Education, population of health, psychology counseling, to establish a health care mechanism, Teaching Reform, teaching environment, improve the Female PE teachers' health condition.
doi:10.2991/icss-14.2014.39 fatcat:4wxwtkeyk5b2pdjd6qlr5mw3dy