Platelet-rich plasma in bone repair of irradiated tibiae of Wistar rats

Emne Hammoud Gumieiro, Márcio Abrahão, Ricardo Schmitutz Jahn, Helena Segretto, Maria Tereza de Seixas Alves, Ulf Nannmark, Gösta Granström, Luciano Lauria Dib
2010 Acta Cirurgica Brasileira  
PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of PRP addition on bone repair of circular defects created in irradiated tibiae of rats by histometric analysis. METHODS: Sixty male Wistar rats had the right tibiae irradiated with 30 Gy. After 30 days monocortical defects were created and platelet-rich plasma was applied in 30 rats. In the control group defects were created but not filled. The animals were desanguinated after 4, 7, 14, 21, 56 and 84 days and the tibiae removed for histological processing.
more » ... ULTS: There was a tendency in the PRP group to increased bone neoformation from 14-days to 84-days; in the control group increased bone neoformation was not seen after 21 days or later. CONCLUSION: The addition of platelet-rich plasma had a beneficial effect in the initial cellular regeneration period and enhanced bone formation in later periods when compared to control.
doi:10.1590/s0102-86502010000300007 pmid:20498938 fatcat:26tt3easjbbdhcjgs7zsblgveq