Springsteen, six muses and me: Music and the writing process

Zoe Fraser
2012 Text: Journal of the Australian Association of Writing Programs  
This article recounts the journey I took to explore how a prose writer draws inspiration from music and lyrics, as opposed to the traditional sources of written texts in books. Dancing in the Dark, my 'prose album' based on Bruce Springsteen's record album Born to Run, appropriates and reworks Springsteen's universal themes and female characters. It fleshes out untold stories suggested by Springsteen's songs, amplifies the voice of a girl locked in the push-pull of staying safe in the house
more » ... us being free on the open road, and is juxtaposed to the traditional unquestioning masculine freedom quintessential in Springsteen's lyrical terrain. Along the way in my writing process, I was accompanied by six Muses.
doi:10.52086/001c.31114 fatcat:dvxqlfkv7babzplmaguq7upyce