Present status of the ichthyofaunal diversity of Mailata-Diplinga Beel of Darrang District, Assam, India

Manmi Kalita, Manoj KR Rajbongshi, Niladri Das
2022 International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies  
Darrang district is located at 26°9′N 91°45'E to 26°45' N 92°22' E covering geographical area of 1585 (Approximately) having population 9, 28, 500 (As per 2011 census). The present investigation was carried out in the Mailata-Diplinga beel during the 2021-22 to document the icththyo-faunal diversity and conservation status of the fishes. The study reveals the presence of 36 species belonging to 28 genera, 7 orders and 17 families. Among these, 6 species were nearly threatened (NT), 1
more » ... es vulnerable (VU), 28 species were least concern (LC) and 1 data deficient (DD). The predominant orders of fishes in the Mailata-Diplinga Beel are Cypriniformes, Perciformes and Siluriformes.
doi:10.22271/fish.2022.v10.i6b.2759 fatcat:qmauabklyjgtvdwk55d2kpgwdq