Students' Ideas about the NGSS Crosscutting Concept of System and System Models: Evidence From Parallel Assessments

Dante Cisterna, Lei Liu, Shukang Chen, Peter van Rijn, Aurora Graf, Abeera P. Rehmat, Karyn Housh, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver
2020 International Conference of the Learning Sciences  
We explore the extent a parallel assessment design describes students' performance about the NGSS' Crosscutting Concept (CCC) of Systems and System Models, in three science topics. Drawing on learning progressions (LP) and evidence-centered design, the majority of student performances were at level 2 in the LP-which implies students were able to identify some system components and relationships but were unable to explain how they work together to make sense of the associated phenomena.
dblp:conf/icls/CisternaLCRGRHH20 fatcat:6saq4u22bvfqjls327kvknzgve