The UAZ in the University Network of Arts, RUA (Red Universitaria de Artes): presence and development perspectives

2022 ECORFAN Journal Spain  
The University Network of Arts was created in Havana, (2014) to promote cooperation among university arts instructors and to improve artistic quality and its academic specificity (University Network of Arts [RUA], 2014). Since its inception, the network has been formed by university students and arts professionals who have represented dozens of institutions in America, Africa and Europe. The UAZ, based on the Academic Collaboration Framework Agreement (Convenio Marco de Colaboración Académica)
more » ... igned with the Higher Institute of Arts of the Republic of Cuba (Instituto Superior de Artes de la República de Cuba) (2011), became a founding member, through various Academic Groups. The UAZ-CA 219 "Music and interdisciplinarity", formed by the authors of this article, has actively taken part in meetings of the RUA, contributing proposals for its expansion and consolidation. Despite this, the results are rarely communicated. In this sense, this work has as its main objective to spread the importance of the University Network of Arts, RUA and disclose some ideas about its possible development perspectives, increasing the participation of the UAZ, from its institutional Academic Groups focused on art, culture and sustainable development, and its capacity for social and inter-institutional bonding.
doi:10.35429/ejs.2022. fatcat:g7sb7c6xezcmpouxnyxvlet3aa