Bluetooth in Control [chapter]

Bo Bernhardsson, Johan Eker, Joakim Persson
2005 Handbook of Networked and Embedded Control Systems  
This master thesis evaluates control algorithms for control applications using Bluetooth in the loop. It is done in order to investigate whether Bluetooth can be used in hard real-time control loops or not. The control algorithms suggested in this work are evaluated on a real process, the Furuta pendulum, due to the unstable nature of the process. This will assure that the Bluetooth communication is pushed to its limits, where problems can be found. Problems encountered are bandwidth
more » ... , retransmissions in the low layers of Bluetooth and disturbances to the wireless communication. Key words Classification system and/or index terms (if any) Supplementary bibliographical information ISSN and key title 0280-5316 ISBN Language English Number of pages 37 Security classification Recipient's notes The report may be ordered from the Department of Automatic Control or borrowed through: University Library 2,
doi:10.1007/0-8176-4404-0_30 fatcat:3uaouazaufb45kx242e5yrknji