Designing polymorphic circuits with polymorphic gates: a general design approach

W. Luo, Z. Zhang, X. Wang
2007 IET Circuits, Devices & Systems  
A general design approach to design polymorphic circuits with polymorphic gates is proposed. These polymorphic circuits can adaptively adjust their functionalities with the changes of the electrical characteristics of components induced by the change of environment. The single function circuits that can work correctly and maintain their functionalities in different environments can be regarded as a special kind of polymorphic circuits. The general design approach for these circuits is proposed,
more » ... and based on this approach, the general design approach to designing polymorphic circuits is also proposed. It is proved that a polymorphic circuit with any two different functions in two different environments can be implemented with a complete polymorphic gate set, and a definition on the gate set is given and the completeness is also discussed. Finally, these general design approaches are analysed and some experiments are performed to demonstrate their efficiency.
doi:10.1049/iet-cds:20070057 fatcat:kpwrtyh3qjc2td7px7m36u5bju