Label-Free Anti-Human IgG Biosensor Based on Chemical Modification of a Long Period Fiber Grating Surface

João P. Mendes, Luís C. C. Coelho, Viviana P. Pereira, Manuel A. Azenha, Pedro A. S. Jorge, Carlos M. Pereira
2021 Chemistry Proceedings  
This work introduces a method specially developed to produce a biorecognition element based on modified Stöber silica nanoparticles by the covalent immobilization of the human IgG. The sensing structure is based on long period fiber gratings (LPFG), specially developed to allow the interaction of the electromagnetic wave with the target analytes through its evanescent field. The surface was modified by the immobilization of the IgG-modified nanoparticles serving has recognition elements for
more » ... ific target molecules. The resulting configuration was tested in the presence of anti-human IgG, recording the refractometric response of the modified LPFG in contact with different amounts of analyte. The selectivity of the sensor was also assessed.
doi:10.3390/csac2021-10454 fatcat:4njhrwcggvgupifxjuhoxmytjq