Advances in LIGA-based post mold fabrication

Todd R. Christenson, James H. Smith
1998 Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology IV  
The establishment of a process to allow planarization of deep x-ray lithography based microfabricated metal components via diamond lapping has enabled examination of three additional microfabrication issues. The areas of improvement that are discussed include materials, microassembly and packaging, and multilevel fabrication. New materials work has centered on magnetic materials including precision micromagnets and surface treatments of electrodeposited materials. Assembly and packaging has
more » ... aided by deep silicon etch processing and the use of conventional precision milling equipment combined with press-fit assembly. Diffusion bonding is shown to be a particularly important approach to achieving multilevel metal mechanisms and furthermore shows promise for achieving batch assembled and packaged high aspect-ratio metal micromechanics.
doi:10.1117/12.324299 fatcat:6tt2h4ccozcrfm23agi57ya4u4