Descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, small fruits, vines, roses, etc. / [book]

1911 unpublished
VARIETIES. -In case we are unable to supply the varieties of fruit ordered, we will take the liberty, unless otherwise directed, to substitute other varieties equally as good and maturing about the same season. If in doubt as to the proper varieties to plant, we suggest that this selection be left to us, as far as possible, merely furnishing us with data as to the proportion of summer, fall and winter varieties desired. Our experience enables us to select such sorts as are best adapted to
more » ... s localities and reasonabh" certain to give the best results. NOTIFY US OF ERRORS.-If an error is detected in the filling of an order, we should be immediately^notified, so that we may be able to rectify the mistake, or make satisfactory explanation. CASH TO ACCOMPANY ORDERS.-We guarantee freight charges on all stock leaving our establishment; therefore it will be necessary for parties unknown to us to accompany the order with cash to cover same, or furnish us with satisfactory reference. When orders are to go forward by express C O. D., they must be accompanied by at least one-half the amount in cash, otherwise the}" will not receive our attention. Address all communications to SALEM NURSERY CO. Salem, Oregon grower will always find ready sale for his crop, and at good prices, which clearly demonstrates that a business of such commercial importance is one that is well worth his while. Not only is the fruit-growing industry a safe and sure source of revenue, but there is nothing more beneficial to a home garden than a variety of choice fruits, large and small, for home consumption. Again, there is a matter of beautifying the home, and how can it be done more successfully and in a more pleasing manner than by a profusion of shrubbery scattered about the lawn, affording shade and beauty to the humblest as well as the most palatial home. It is the sense of the beautiful that is most pleasing to all, also beauty teaches refinement and stimulates pride. It also attracts attention and admiration from those whose opinions we seek to influence in the pathway of approbation of our efforts toward well-doing. OUR GUARANTEE Our guarantee goes with all stock we sell, and this means that the stock is true to name, and where we agree to deliver at nearest railway station, we guarantee the stocks to be in first-class condition upon arrival at destination. This is a very vital consideration with planters, as our method of shipping is in car-load lots to a central point, where stock is promptly transferred to connecting lines, and thereby we secure prompt transportation service, and avoid long delays, which are injurious to this class of goods. When stock is received, we must be promptly notified of any complaint as to condition of same, for we cannot be responsible for stock after it has reached shipping point and is not received and examined by purchaser in proper time. We exercise the greatest care possible in the packing of our stock for shipment, and also pay particular attention to the matter of keeping all varieties true to name, and we stand ready vi THE SALEM NURSERY COMPANY One-year-old trees on three-year-old roots. If you want a successful orchard, plant this kind of trees to replace, upon proper proof being made, all stock that may prove untrue to name and not as represented by us; but it is mutually agreed between the purchaser and ourselves that we shall not at any time be liable for an amount to exceed the original price of the goods purchased. Orders placed with us otherwise will not be received. SEASON OF RIPENING As our Catalogue is intended to cover every part of the United States, as well as Canada and parts of Mexico, it is impossible to give the exact time of ripening of any variety of fruit; for what would be true in Arizona would not apply to the Northwest Territory, Canada. We give, therefore, as near the season as possible, and customers should remember that, as a rule, fruit keeps much longer in the northern sections, which sometimes changes the season of a winter variety at the North to an autumn one farther South. FALL PLANTING We are opposed to fall planting of trees in sections where the thermometer goes below zero, past experience having demonstrated to our satisfaction that trees delivered to customers in the fall are more or less injured during the freezing weather of winter, lowening their vitality and causing many to die the first summer after planting;. and we will not deliver trees in the fall of the year in cold sections of the country except when the owner is willing to take all risk and pay freight from nursery. In the milder sections of our Pacific coast, west of the Cascades, in California, and. other states where the temperature does not fall below zero, we are prepared to ship trees at any time after October 15, until the close of shipping season, about April i. In no other place in the United States are the seasons such that nurserymen can dig and ship trees continuously for a period of six months. This is one of the advantages we have over nurseries 'in any other section of this country-that we can ship our trees at any time, so that they will arrive at destination at just the proper time to set out in the section in which they are to be planted. IMPORTANT Do not confound our method with piece-root grafted trees. Ours is the budding system, by which you are able to procure a 4to 6-foot tree on a three-year-old root, -this tree reaching the aforesaid height in one season's growth. With this superb root-system imagine the growth of this tree when set in your orchard. It costs more money to produce this kind of stock, but it is the best. In great favor with commercial fruit growers. FRL'IT DEPARTMENT -APPLES I Our one-year-old budded trees, on three-year-old roots, produced this orchard in a location where the thermometer fails to 30 degrees below zero. Fruit Department APPLES (Pyriis Malus) The first fruit in importance is the Apple. It will thrive on nearly any well-drained soil. Its period of ripening, unlike that of other fruits, extends nearly or quite through the year. By making judicious selections of summer, autumn and winter sorts, a constant succession can be easily obtained of this indispensable fruit for family use. There is no farm crop which, on the average, will produce one-fourth as much income per acre as will a good Apple orchard. The average price paid for the fruit is steadily on the increase, and the immense demand for home consumption, foreign shipping, canning and evaporating, assures us that it will continue to increase. We especially recommend planting late-keeping winter varieties. If Apples are planted at the rate of 50 trees per acre, 30 feet apart each way, rows of peach trees can be planted between the Apples, which, growing more quickly than the Apple trees, soon protect them from winds, and thus prove a great benefit to them. After eight or ten years of productiveness, as the space is needed for the Apples, the peach trees may be removed, leaving the orchard better for the protection, and at the same time having yielded the planter a large return for his outlay and labor.
doi:10.5962/bhl.title.104090 fatcat:nhispt2zhbgjda2h57upf35tdy