A High-Precision Centroid Detecting Method for Hartmann-Shack Wavefront Sensor

李晶 Li Jing, 巩岩 Gong Yan, 呼新荣 Hu Xinrong, 李春才 Li Chuncai
2014 Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers  
文献标志码:A Abstract: In order to detect high-precision far-field spots centroid, a multiple spots centroid detecting method is proposed. Using two-dimension orthogonal diffraction gratings, a single spot on the far-field focal plane is developed into a multiple spots array. By increasing the input information of the far-field detected spots, the centroid detection accuracy can be improved. The experimental results show that the centroid detecting accuracy of multiple spots is 4 times larger than
more » ... at of single spot. The root mean square (RMS) of single spot centroid detecting error is 0.0385 pixels and the RMS of 16 spots centroid detecting error is 0.0099 pixels. Compared with the conventional method of the centroid detecting, the far-field multiple spots centroid detecting method proposed is simpler and more convenient.
doi:10.3788/cjl201441.0316002 fatcat:ci6l4e3iljaula2tpxacbife6i