Embedded Controller Based Multilevel Inverter Topologies

Sivasankari S, Balamurugan C. R
2014 Electrical and Electronics Engineering An International Journal  
Multilevel inverter topologies are mostly used in industrial power applications without use of transformers and filters. This paper proposes three multilevel inverter topologies: the topologies are five level flying capacitor multilevel inverter and two five level hybrid multilevel inverter topologies. This paper analyses the total harmonic distortion of the three types of multilevel inverter topologies. The performance of the Multilevel Inverter is increased by using the embedded switching
more » ... ern. This inverter produces the pulses by using the embedded controller. This scheme reduces the switching loss. These proposed topologies have the ability of producing the high quality output voltage which is nearer to the sinusoidal waves. The simulation output can be obtained through MATLAB/SIMULINK.
doi:10.14810/elelij.2014.3206 fatcat:id6eedukbrebxokrocfkhbglai