Multiparametric detection of bacterial contamination based on the photonic crystal surface mode detection
Многопараметрическая детекция бактериального обсеменения с помощью анализа изменений распространения поверхностных волн в фотонных кристаллах

I. O. Petrova, V. N. Konopsky, A. V. Sukhanova, I. R. Nabiev
2018 Bulletin of Russian State Medical University  
Conventional techniques for food and water quality control and environmental monitoring in general have a number of drawbacks. Below we propose a label-free highly accurate analytical technique for multiplex detection of biomarkers based on the analysis of propagation of Bloch waves on the surface of a photonic crystal. The technique can be used to measure molecular and cell affinity interactions in real time by recording critical and excitation angles of the surface wave on the surface of a
more » ... tonic crystal. Based on the analysis of photonic crystal surface modes, we elaborated a protocol for the detection of the exotoxin A of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the heat-labile toxin LT of Escherichia coli. The protocol exploits detection of affinity interactions between antigens pumped through a microfluidic cell and detector antibodies conjugated to the chemically activated silica chip. The proposed technique is highly sensitive, cheap and less time-consuming in comparison with surface plasmon resonance.
doi:10.24075/brsmu.2018.047 fatcat:c6gnr5bcpfaszm2q2j3u6u2ony