Development of a Master Slave Manipulator System for Space Use

Yoshitsugu TODA, Kazuo MACHIDA, Toshiaki IWATA, Masakuni KAWADA
1987 The Journal of the Japan Society of Aeronautical Engineering  
A generalized master slave manipulator system which was assumed to operate near and/or around the space station was developed. A standardized serial communication line was used between the master and the slave manipulator. The master manipulator was designed to be well self-balance for getting as same feelings as if it was operated under the zero-gravity condition. A force/torque reflecting bilateral control using the force-torque sensor settled at the wrist of the slave manipulator was
more » ... A experiment under which the slave manipulator was in a vacuum chamber was performed and it could be operated within a restricted sight of cameras set up in the chamber with changing the coordinates according to camera views. The
doi:10.2322/jjsass1969.35.546 fatcat:74xyb6ngtrdfhe2kudhbfpbwli