Otitis media with effusion in the infants referred from newborn hearing screening (OME in infants from NHS)

Sawako Masuda, Satoko Usui
2019 Otology Japan  
Early diagnosis of hearing loss in infants is necessary for early intervention. To evaluate the prevalence, prognosis, and influence of otitis media with effusion (OME) in infants, we investigated 182 cases which had been referred to Mie National Hospital for advanced hearing examination after newborn hearing screening (NHS) from 2013 to 2017. At the first examination, OME was found in 57 ears (15.7%) of 37 cases (20.3%). In the tympanic findings and tympanometry, 84.6% and 46.4% of the 182
more » ... nts could be evaluated whether there was middle ear effusion or not, respectively. In cases with cleft palate or with any complications, the prevalence of OME was significantly higher than in cases without. We performed myringotomies before auditory brainstem response and auditory steadystate response in 3 of 37 cases, 5 of 12 cases with OME at the first and second time examination, respectively. Of the 34 patients in whom the prognosis could be observed, 19 cases were improved. A spontaneous resolution of OME was documented in 16 children. In 4 of 15 persistent cases, therapeutic intervention was impossible due to their complications. Finally, 3 cases with unilateral hearing loss and 11 cases with bilateral hearing loss were found in 37 cases with OME. Hearing impairment due to congenital causes has been confirmed at least in 29.8% of the ears with OME at the first examination. It is necessary to perform advanced examination without delay in infants with OME, by carrying out myringotomy in case effusion remains at the second examination to make accurate evaluation of hearing.
doi:10.11289/otoljpn.29.215 fatcat:aivmxefm25dvnhaa2pyut3u2my