Dynamic speed scaling for energy minimization in delay-tolerant smartphone applications

Jeongho Kwak, Okyoung Choi, Song Chong, Prasant Mohapatra
2014 IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications  
Energy-delay tradeoffs in smartphone applications have been studied independently in dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) problem and network interface selection problem. We optimize the two problems jointly to quantify how much energy can be saved further and propose a scheme called SpeedControl which jointly manages application scheduling, CPU speed control and wireless interface selection. The scheme is shown to be near-optimal in that it tends to minimize energy consumption for
more » ... delay constraints. This paper is the first to reveal energy-delay tradeoffs in a holistic view considering multiple wireless interfaces, DVFS and multitasking in smartphone. We perform real measurements on WiFi/3G coverage and throughput, power consumption of CPU and WiFi/3G interfaces, and CPU workloads. Trace-driven simulations based on the measurements demonstrate that SpeedControl can save over 30% of battery by trading 10 min delay as compared to existing schemes when WiFi temporal coverage is 65%, moreover, the saving tendency increases as WiFi coverage increases.
doi:10.1109/infocom.2014.6848173 dblp:conf/infocom/KwakCCM14 fatcat:amwsyhjj2jf63hgonuhfplhwqa