Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fomenko, Institute of Humanitarian Researches – branch of the FSBSE «Federal Scientific Center «Kabardin-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences»
2020 BULLETIN of the Kabardian-Balkarian Institute for the Humanities Research  
Бгажноков Барасби Хачимович Б.Х. Бгажноков в 80-х гг. В.А. Фоменко. Памяти Барасби Хачимовича Бгажнокова a multifaceted talented and principled scientist. His life was devoted to the science of the Caucasus. The most signifi cant contribution of Barasbi Khachimovich made to the study of the national-cultural specifi cs of communication, the moral philosophy of culture, the humanistic foundations of ethnology. He substantiated the relevance of a new direction of historical and ethnological
more » ... ch -the ethnology of communication. The contribution of Barasbi Khachimovich to the study of the culture of communication of the Circassians is especially signifi cant. In the scientifi c work of B.Kh. Bgazhnokov issues of ethnogenesis, ethnic history, archeology of the peoples of the Caucasus and adjacent regions were of particular importance. Keywords: Barasbi Khachimovich Bgazhnokov, biographical data, problems of scientifi c creativity, ethnic and cultural specifi cs of communication, peoples of the Caucasus, culture of communication of the Circassians. moral philosophy of culture, humanistic foundations of ethnology, ethnogenesis, ethnic history, archeology.
doi:10.31007/2306-5826-2020-4-1-47-160-169 fatcat:vzgvgeeeyjfwdixb5ti6rmnwoy