Template polymerization

G. Challa, Y. Y. Tan
1981 Pure and Applied Chemistry  
Template polymerizations (TP) are divided into two types. In type Iwe are concerned with initiation and propagation of monomer preadsorbed by or complexed to template macromolecules. In type II active oligomers created in "free" solution complex with template macromolecules and continue to propagate along the template by adding monomer "picked up" from the surrounding solution. The discussion is confined chiefly to two systems, viz, the radical TP of methylmethacrylate (MMA) along isotactic
more » ... -MMA and that of Nvinylpyrrolidone along syndiotactic poly(methacrylic acid). Experimental evidence and arguments are given to support the view that these systems belong to TP's of type II.
doi:10.1351/pac198153030627 fatcat:2f5h42wrinavvc2ffeysn7bnp4