Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Colleen Mc. Cullough's The Thorn Birds Into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri By Lanny Murtihardjana

This study aims to (1) find out the morphemic shifts found in Collen Mc Cullough"s novel The Thorn Birds and its translation Burung-Burung Semak Berduri by Lanny Murthihardjana (2) analyze the morphemic shifts in the English – Bahasa Indonesia translation of the novel and (3) investigate the most dominant morphemic shifts used in the novel. This study uses a descriptive qualitative with data collection on written documents from Colleen Mc Cullough"s novel The Thorn Birds and its translation
more » ... ng-Burung Semak Berduri by Lanny Murtihardjana. The data will be taken by using purposive sampling. The results of this study are there are two morphemic shifts in translation of The Thorn Bird. They are the morphemic shifts from morpheme into word and the morphemic shifts from morpheme into phrase. The Morphemic shifts from morpheme into word are dis (5), un (9), in (1), im (4), re (6) ,-ly (6), ing- (14), less- (12), -er (14), -est (5), -s (13), -ful (11), "s (5), -hood (4), -ed (8), -ness (8), in-....-able (2), in-...-ible (3), un-...-able (3), un-...-ed (12), dis-...-ed (4), un-....-ing (2), re-...-ed (5) with the total of 156 shifts (85 %). While the Morphemic shifts from morpheme into phrase are un- (4), in- (1), less (5), -est (1), - er (1), -ful (1), in-...-able (2), in-...-ible (2), un-...-ing (2), un-.....-able (3), un-....ed (5), dis-...-ed (1) with the total of 28 shifts (15 %). In short, it can be seen that the morphemic shifts from morpheme into word is in the total of 156 shifts (85 %). Then the morphemic shifts from morpheme into phrase are in the total of 28 shifts (15 %).
doi:10.17605/ fatcat:tg4zrqltinbznildrnetdqwle4