REVIEW: Safeguarding press freedom, ending impunity in the Philippines

David Robie
2020 Pacific Journalism Review – Te Koakoa  
Philippine Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists. Manila: Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication and International Media Support. 2019. 45 pages. ISBN 9789718502204 A DECADE after the world's worst atrocity inflicted on journalists in a single event, a remarkable publishing event happened in Manila that could set a trend in the global fight against impunity for the killers of journalists. On the eve of the date marking the massacre of 58 people—including 32 journalists, a broad
more » ... alition launched a strategic blueprint for the survival of news workers. I was privileged to be present at this stellar event, the only New Zealand journalist or media academic to be invited to the launch of the Philippine Plan of Action in the Safety of Journalists (PPASJ).
doi:10.24135/pjr.v26i1.1071 fatcat:erxwewsm25awdgwc7q6b7j6fba