On Light Propagation in Helicoidal Bianisotropic Mediums

A. Lakhtakia, W. S. Weiglhofer
1995 Proceedings of the Royal Society A  
We have shown liquid crystals to be members of the more general class of heli coidal bianisotropic mediums (h b m s ) and have discussed physical realizations of HBMs as liquid crystals, cross-linked polymer networks and solid thin films. So lutions of the time-harmonic Maxwell postulates for axial propagation in a HBM have been derived in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a 4 x 4 matrix. We have given a procedure to obtain the response of a HBM slab to a normally incident plane wave
more » ... and exemplified our analytical results by application to four mediums.
doi:10.1098/rspa.1995.0025 fatcat:iqzv2d5b4jfnnhnl4ehnrtytve