An averaging approach to chattering

L.M. Fridman
2001 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control  
The singularly perturbed relay control systems (SPRCS) as mathematical models of chattering in the small neighborhood of the switching surface in sliding mode systems are examined. Sufficient conditions for existence and stability of fast periodic solutions to the SPRCS are found. It is shown that the slow motions in such SPRCS are approximately described by equations derived from equations for the slow variables of SPRCS by averaging along fast periodic motions. It is shown that in the general
more » ... case, when the equations of a plant contain relay control nonlinearly, the averaged equations do not coincide with the equivalent control equations or with the Filippov's definition for the sliding motions in the reduced system; however, in the linear case, they coincide. Index Terms-Averaging, periodic solutions, singularly perturbed systems, sliding mode control, variable structure systems.
doi:10.1109/9.940930 fatcat:5tzojyioezfcvhsfktlnuyw7ze