Application of a Standardized Design Procedure in the Development of Automated Micro-assembly Processes [chapter]

Gordon Saunders, Tobias Müller
2021 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
AbstractAutomated precision assembly of e.g. optical systems requires development efforts in manifold domains, such as part feeding, handling, alignment, bonding and quality control. The use of systematic design procedure enables the rapid and complete development of new applications and use cases using existing equipment. Combined with modular equipment and subsystems, the use of a standardized design process significantly reduces development time and therefore costs. A generic methodology
more » ... d on the functional decomposition of assembly task requirements and a coherent synthesis of functional process building blocks can be an answer to reduced process ramp-up time, more stable processes and enable concurrent engineering for novel tool and process development.
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72632-4_2 fatcat:iqrbmrc3o5hyfj7wsd5hrecv4y