Demonstration of a 200 kW/200 kWh energy storage system on an 11kV UK distribution feeder

Neal S Wade, Kunpeng Wang, Matthieu Michel, Tom Willis
2013 IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2013  
Newcastle University ePrints Wade NS, Wang K, Michel M, Willis T. Demonstration of a 200 kW/200 kWh energy storage system on an 11kV UK distribution feeder. In: 2013 4th IEEE/PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE). 2013, Abstract-A 200kW/200kWh energy storage system connected to a UK 11kV distribution network has been used to demonstrate a range of operational duties. To maximize the information that can be gathered during the operation of the device,
more » ... ry and secondary sites have been instrumented to provide power and voltage measurements. Control algorithms have been devised to perform adaptive peak-shaving operations that track the daily variations in time and magnitude of peak power flows. Results are presented from actual network measurements of scheduled power exchange operations and both simulations and trial results of peak-shaving operations. Simulation results are used in an ageing model to determine the battery lifetime effects when allowing alternative depth-of-discharge to be reached. Index Terms-energy storage, power distribution, power system control, smart grids. I.
doi:10.1109/isgteurope.2013.6695255 dblp:conf/isgteurope/WadeWMW13 fatcat:bpxsnnsqkjfwhlli4wf33fbsya