Sifting out the mud

Bjorn De Sutter, Bruno De Bus, Koen De Bosschere
2002 SIGPLAN notices  
More and more computers are being incorporated in devices where the available amount of memory is limited. This contrasts with the increasing need for additional functionality and the need for rapid application development. While object-oriented programming languages, providing mechanisms such as inheritance and templates, allow fast development of complex applications, they have a detrimental effect on program size. This paper introduces new techniques to reuse the code of whole procedures at
more » ... he binary level and a supporting technique for data reuse. These techniques benefit specifically from program properties originating from the use of templates and inheritance. Together with our previous work on code abstraction at lower levels of granularity, they achieve additional code size reductions of up to 38% on already highly optimized and compacted binaries, without sacrificing execution speed. We have incorporated these techniques in Squeeze++, a prototype link-time binary rewriter for the Alpha architecture, and extensively evaluate them on a suite of 8 real-life C++ applications. The total code size reductions achieved post link-time (i.e. without requiring any change to the compiler) range from 27 to 70%, averaging at around 43%.
doi:10.1145/583854.582445 fatcat:vufwprbeq5hixd7lmta4obomlu