Türkiye'deki "Kadın ve Siyaset" Konulu Lisansüstü Çalışmalara Dair Bir İnceleme

2016 Turkish Studies  
This study makes an analysis on the master's and doctoral theses prepared on the subject of "women and politics" and captured in the theses databank of the Turkish Council of Higher Education (Yükseköğretim Kurulu, YÖK). We do not have a specific time limit but consider all theses present in the YÖK's databank up until the end of June 2016. Out of the 52 theses 17 are doctoral theses (33%), 35 are master's theses (67%). Only 8 of these theses (15%) are in English. The rest is in Turkish (85%).
more » ... among the researchers (8%) are men, and 48 (92%) are women. There are 2 male researchers in the master's level (6%) and 2 (12%) in the doctoral level. 12 out of the 52 supervisors are men (23%), whereas 40 supervisors are women (77%). Out of 52 theses, only 1 was prepared in the 1980s (2%), 5 theses were prepared in the 1990s (10%), 23 theses were prepared in the 2000s and 2010s (44+44%). The theses are not only in the field of Political Science. They are on different disciplines from Basic Islamic Studies to Social Studies Teacher Education. Politics has an important role in reaching gender equality, and women are more sensitive than men to the issues that concern their lives. The subject of "women and politics" has had a particularly rising appeal in the 2000s. We can explain this with the sensitivity of international institutions, political parties and medias to the issue. Even if the subject is "women and politics" theses are on different disciplines of social sciences. We can explain this with the social aspect and problem solving particularity of politics. We recommend that there ought to be more doctoral theses on this subject.
doi:10.7827/turkishstudies.9881 fatcat:lawm45bq4nenphttd7p5sieemq